Report on International Economic Relations and Development Cooperation submitted to Parliament
The Government approved the proposal for the Report on International Economic Relations and Development Cooperation on 11 July 2024. The report complements the Report on Foreign and Security Policy with more detailed trade and development policy measures.

The Report on International Economic Relations and Development Cooperation is based on the Government Programme’s objective of examining external relations in a more strategic and comprehensive manner. Attention is also given to the rapid changes in the international operating environment.
The report focuses on the increasingly close connection between trade and development and on promoting Finland’s trade and economic interests.
“The key objective of Finland’s trade policy is to promote the exports and investments of Finnish businesses. At the same time, we need to take account of safety and security of supply. Finland’s development policy and development cooperation aim at an increasingly close connection between trade and development,” says Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Ville Tavio.
Export promotion activities will be developed to meet the needs of small and medium-sized companies. A significant share of the world’s future economic growth is projected to be generated in developing countries. It is important that Finnish businesses will be better able to take part in this growth. Finland aims to increase the private sector’s participation in development cooperation and funding and to strengthen developing countries’ own domestic resource mobilisation.
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs prepared the report in cooperation with the other ministries. The President of the Republic of Finland and the Ministerial Committee on Foreign and Security Policy provided the political guidance for the work. Other stakeholders and the parliamentary monitoring group for the Government Report on Finnish Foreign and Security Policy were also consulted.
- Jarno Syrjälä, Under-Secretary of State (international trade), tel. +358 295 350 205
- Pasi Hellman, Under-Secretary of State (development policy), tel. +358 295 350 755
- The email addresses of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs are in the format