The Embassy has received information about a possible repatriation flight from Larnaca to Copenhagen on 29.4. arranged by private travel agent Atlantic Travel.
The Embassy has received information about a possible repatriation flight from Larnaca to Copenhagen arranged by private travel agent Atlantic Travel.
The flight scheduled to depart from Larnaca on Wednesday, April 29, will be completed only if there are enough travelers with shown interest.
The fare is EUR 429 and includes 1x 20 kg luggage and 5 kg hand luggage.
Anyone interested of this flight should register immediately on Atlantic Travel's website(Link to another website.) for flight Larnaca-Copenhagen April 29, flight number 6Y8333 / 8334.
Please note that departure time may change, therefore purchase of a connecting ticket should not be booked until you have received a confirmed ticket from Atlantic Travel.
Atlantic Travel has also informed that they have the opportunity to take dogs/cats on the flight.
More information about the flight can be found on the Atlantic Travel website(Link to another website.).