Circular Note, 29 November 2022: E-service for applications for tax and duty exempt imports and purchases

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs present their compliments to the Diplomatic Missions and Consular Posts accredited to Helsinki and have the honour to inform them of the following e-service preparations by the Protocol Services.

The Protocol Services is preparing to take an e-service into use for the applications for tax and duty exempt imports and purchases. The e-service will be operational from 1 January 2023 onwards with a transition time of three months. During the transition time Missions will be able to submit the applications also in paper form. From 1 April 2023 onwards the applications will only be processed in the e-service.

The e-service is provided by the Web Service and will require strong identification. In order to use the e-service, Missions will need a registered right to grant mandates at Web Service. Mandates can be granted to one or several members of the Mission. More information on the requirements for the use of the e-service is available in the appendices.

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs avail themselves of this opportunity to renew to the Diplomatic Missions and International Organizations accredited to Helsinki the assurance of their highest consideration.


Helsinki, 29 November 2022


the Diplomatic Missions and
International Organizations accredited to Helsinki