Circular Note, 27 August 2021: Protocol Services; relocation and break in the services in September

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs present their compliments to the Diplomatic Missions, Consular Posts and International Organizations accredited to Helsinki and have the honour to inform them of the relocation of the Protocol Services back to the Ministry´s premises in Merikasarmi, Katajanokka this autumn. 

The renovation of the premises in Katajanokka has been completed, and the Protocol Services will move back to Merikasarmi on 10 September 2021. 

Due to the removal, the chancery of the Protocol Services will be closed from the 9th till the 17th of September 2021. Handling of documents (protocol cards and residence permits, tax  exemption applications, vehicle issues etc.) will start again on Monday the 20th of September. The missions are kindly asked to submit all urgent requests well in advance of the removal date.

The personnel of the Protocol Services can be contacted by e-mail and telephone also during the removal.

The street address of the Protocol Services will be Laivastokatu 22, 00160 Helsinki. The postal address is P.O. Box 176, 00023 Government.

The postal boxes of the missions will remain in the Government Distribution Centre in Ritarikatu 2. The opening hours of the Distribution Centre are from 8.00 a.m. to 4.15 p.m (Monday – Friday).

As the registry office of the Ministry and the postal boxes of the missions will remain in the Government Palace, the missions are kindly requested to note that the postal delivery to and from the Protocol Services will take slightly longer in the future.

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs avail themselves of this opportunity to renew to the Diplomatic Missions, Consular Posts and International Organizations accredited to Helsinki the assurances of their highest consideration.

Helsinki, 27 August 2021


the Diplomatic Missions, Consular Posts and International Organizations accredited to Helsinki